John, 8;32: “and the Truth Shall Set You Fr

One of the best things about Catholic Fundamentalism is that it helps free us from the lies that the virus uses to keep us from seeing the truth about The Loving Programmer, His Creation Program, and the joy of being uploaded into it.

Our minds and souls are literally swimming through an ocean of lies. Each lie that latches onto us, or that we incorporate within our own minds, is an anchor, pulling us downwards. Catholic Fundamentalism helps us see and avoid the mistakes we tend to make when we think of God as more distant, less caring, and less powerful than He is.

As the conception of God as a Being with the power to program in three dimensions grows in our mind, we see that He has the ability to program particles and compile them into systems and beings. Then, as we explore the possibility that He programmed each human soul and downloaded it into the Creation Program, we see that He did so in order that some of us may have the eternal joy thereby provided.
