Visualizing Prayer

We may picture ourselves on the beach, under an umbrella. A hole suddenly appears, allowing a beam of light to reach us.

Or, we may be taking a shower, and a tiny molecule of water miraculously goes right through skin and bone, into our brain, where it short-circuits a bad connection or makes a good one. We may be in a dark room, and a car turns, sending a beam of light into it. We may be wearing a raincoat, and a leak soaks our clothing. In a science fiction movie, a phaser may break through the force-field protecting the ship.

Prayer is like that, suddenly something that shouldn’t be there, all of a sudden, is. The Programmer operates on frequencies that we are not programmed to access. Adam and Eve, until the unfortunate incident in The Garden, could directly access Him. So could the prophets and saints. But, most of us live surrounded by a shield of self-centeredness and sin that both keeps us from dealing more directly The Programmer and keeps Him from doing likewise with us.

When we pray, as Jesus taught, “Our Father, Who art in Heaven”, we begin by recognizing His power and His separateness from us. After all, we’re here, and He’s in Programming HQ. “Hallowed be Thy Name” means that He should be praised and worshipped. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done” means that we want to govern our lives according to His Operating Instructions, and be as close to The Programmer as possible. “On earth as it is in Heaven” means that we want The Programmer’s Operating Instructions to be followed here, just like they are in Programming HQ.

“Give us this day our daily bread” means that we recognize that He has, and want Him to use, Programming Power to download programming assistance to provide us with our earthly needs.

“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” clearly tells us that forgiveness is a part of The Program for us free-will creatures. We can access His forgiveness for hurting Him only as long as we forgive those who hurt us. As long as we are unforgiving, our own program cannot be accessed by His. Unforgiveness is a spiritual “force field” that keeps His love from getting through to us.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” means that we want Him to provide Programming Assistance so that we do not disobey His Operating Instructions for our individual, living units.

We can picture the prayer lessening the barriers between us and He Who programmed us each time we repeat it.

He loves us. He wants to be with us. He wants us to be with Him. As soon as we ask, He begins to answer, sending living streams of angels to our aid.
