Lots of People Love to Insult Liberals

Lots of People Love to Insult Liberals. Liberals are often said to be callous, insensitive, and not overly bright. Frequently, those on the left are labeled as “self-centered”, “uncaring about anything but what benefits them”, and “loving whatever hurts others”. Liberals are universally castigated every time they’re caught in one of their many, many contradictions.

Recent blizzards in Washington, DC have been enjoyed by hundreds of millions. “Where’s the Global Warming?”, is chortled, gloatingly. As every liberal lie , exaggeration, and grasp for public funding is exposed, they are labeled as losers, liars, and utter nincompoops. Many people enjoy calling them names. There’s justification for doing so. Liberals often do personify the very worst names they’re called.

Most on the left know how heartily they are despised by the more honest, intelligent, harder-working people whose persons and goals they endlessly demean. Pseudo-intellectual pretensions are easily-popped balloons that invite pinpricks and rapid deflation. Some call them “over-educated white trash”. Others enjoy throwing their contradictions right in their faces.

On the right, making fun of liberals has provided many with full-time employment. Audiences, ravaged by leftist policies and programs, listen and watch. Those even partially aware of how liberal lunacies have impoverished them just can’t get enough of bashing liberals, often saying to their radio or television, “You got ’em good!”, or “Hit ’em again!”

Amazingly, the liberals shrug off all criticism. They steadfastly continue to make fools of themselves. We see them endlessly embracing “jobs” programs that cause massive unemployment, “educational” projects doomed to carry on the continual failures of public education, “energy” programs that defy the laws of physics, “financial fixes” that push nations into bankruptcy, and “scientific concerns” with no honest thoughts behind them, all the while worrying more about baby seals than little boys and girls.

Impervious to truth, they soldier on, marching in steady lockstep down the broad path to destruction as their always outraged and angry leaders take them from one Imaginary Problem to another, all the while ignoring the catcalls from those made to pay for their mistakes.

Liberals do so much damage, and are so crazed in their thinking, that it’s hard to like them. But, calling them names, no matter how well the names fit, simply doesn’t work. Their poor souls are so shriveled they just can’t comprehend that they have become, in varying degrees, a living mass of shortcomings in their spiritual, intellectual, social, and family lives.

Telling liberals how blatantly wrong they are, even proving it to them with charts and numbers, has never, not once, helped a single one of them take even a baby step closer to loving God, truth, or neighbor. The more their lies are confronted by truth, the farther their minds, unhinged by the bitterness caused by their cherished anger at God, retreat into even less intelligent lies, clutching the tattered remnants of supposedly rational thought as desperately as babies grasp their security blankets.

We might try loving them. It’s hard to love vicious, destructive people who want to destroy all that is good and decent. Loving a liberal is a lot like chewing on broken glass. But, what more can we do?
