Praying for someone is like calling in artillery

Praying for someone is like calling in artillery

from a distant, lofty battery. The far-off “guns” fire projectiles that are, for the sake of argument, the approximate size of an electron. They move at a speed that may be faster than light, arriving on target about the same instant that they are fired.

When, for instance, we pray, “God, please let so-and-so be a happier person.”, the target of our prayer is not the person, but the demons within who keep him from happiness. The angelic artilleryman knows which demon(s) should be targeted, and aims accordingly. The projectiles, themselves, are also alive. They arrive at the target, and, like a self-guiding missile, seek out the spiritual target whose removal has been requested.

Saying a prayer for someone else is a lot like sending a termite into someone’s house. The good spirit just eats and eats away at the venal, vain defenses that have been built to the minds of those who do not love God and neighbor. Good spirits are tireless.

After a demon is hit by enough of these spiritual missile-termites, it will leave the person for whom we are praying, and try to find room within another. If it can’t find a suitable dwelling, then it is recalled to the pits from which it came, and its agony begins, again.
