Thanking Our Guardian Angel

Thanking Our Guardian Angel. This is, like every moment of our lives, a good time to think about our own Guardian Angel. He is a link between us and the higher spiritual powers operating above. He obeys the Operating Instructions that keep him from manifesting himself directly to us, but he’s there. Working 24/7, he guides our waking hours and our dreams. He never rests, but ceaselessly patrols among the tiny particles that have programmed to form our neurons.

When we think of the trouble we’ve avoided, we have him to thank. When we think of the sins we didn’t commit, we can thank our silent partner. When we consider the sins we did commit in thought and word and deed, we can but regret not having listened to his guidance.

Our guardian angel is a little bit of God within us. We can thank our guardian angel directly, but should also thank God for having assigned him to us when our program was initially downloaded.

When we pray for our own soul, we are automatically, if unknowingly, including in that prayer a request that our guardian angel will be given the power to overcome the error-loving spiritual beings within us, the demons clamoring for us to worship ourselves and the inanities upon which we often focus so excessively as to forget He Who programmed all.

When we pray for others, we are, also automatically, if unknowingly, asking The Loving Programmer of All to strengthen the guardian angel within our “prayee”.

On resisting a sin, we may consider saying, “Thank You, God, for having provided such a wonderful, loving angel who has helped me choose not to disappoint You.”

One may imagine, after such a prayer, our little-thanked, and almost always ignored, Guardian Angel telling his friends, (when they know we’re safe for a few seconds, they may instantaneously e-mail themselves up to Programming HQ to take part in the eternal celebration of The Loving Programmer) “You won’t believe this, but my human’s soul actually thanked me!” “Aw, c’mon.”, nearly all the others will reply, “Humans are too self-centered to ever do that.”

After giving into some temptation or another, we may say: “God, I ignored you and my guardian angel’s advice on better obeying Your Operating Instructions. First of all, please, please forgive me for my transgression. For the rest of my time here, please, let me listen better, obey better, and do better in knowing and doing Your will. Please, don’t let my guardian angel give up on me, and please, don’t let Yourself be so disgusted with my choices that you take him away from me. Instead, please download within him all the power he needs to keep me on the straight and narrow path that will lead my soul to You forever, and download within me all the power that I need to know, heed, and obey his instructions that come from You.”
