There are now more people living in America’s Pyramids of Lies

There are now more people living in America’s Pyramids of Lies

than there are people who actually make things:

chart of the day, goods-producing workers vs. government payroll

Few of those living in the well-paid Pyramids of Llies understand that when the blue line, representing the number of people making a living by adding value to things, goes down, there are fewer people to support them. Those who live in and rule from the Pyramids of Lies have to resort to ever more brutal means to get more money from fewer goods-producers. So, taxes go up. Then, more businesses go under. More unemployed people start leaning on political connections to “Get me a job! Any job!”. The blue line, representing actual producing citizens, goes down more rapidly and the red line, representing those who’ve moved into the Pryamids of Lies, goes up sharply.

When we consider this graph in terms of goods that are actually produced, it’s not as bad as it appears. We can’t forget that the goods-producing workers have become much more efficient. The actual output of goods produced has continued to increase during these years as automation lets fewer workers produce more.

The real danger to the state is seen by understanding that the most important thing this graph measures is political clout. Today, the number of voters who are dependent on taxes is greater than the number of goods-producers. As the number of those dwelling in the Pyramids of Lies increase, and the number of producers decreases, officials in any democracy are going to go where the votes are. Legislation will increasingly favor the people living in the Pyramids of Lies.

That continues a vicious cycle (in which Great Britain is farther along than we) where it becomes easy for foreign manufacturers/governments to bribe a few cash-starved people living very high up in the Pyramids of Lies to make it impossible to produce goods in their country, usually under the ever-handy umbrella of imaginary environmental problems, the only publicized solution to which is invariably to move those jobs to their own nations.

Soon, the number of goods-producers has dropped, skills have disappeared, and the country is utterly dependent on foreign manufacture. As that happens, prices of goods begin to increase with remarkable speed, and the tax income that formerly went to the country’s own pyramid dwellers is now transferred to pyramid dwellers of other nations.

It’s what happens when The Programmer stops having His assistants help peoples who have disobeyed His Commandments.
