Another wonderful fraud from The Pyramids of Lies

A sizable body of evidence exists to show that low-level radiation, typical of the radon found in some homes, is actually good for you. A google search (they must not have cleaned out the politically incorrect scientists) of “radiation hormesis”, shows that :

“2.1. Japanese studies: 1. UNSCEAR report (1994), among A-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagazaki who received doses lower than 200 mSv, there was no increase in the number of total cancer death. Mortality caused by leukemia was even lower in this population at doses below 100 mSv than age-matched control cohorts.

2-Mifune (1992) (Mifune et al. 1992) and his co-workers indicated that in a spa area (Misasa), with an average indoor radon level of 35 Bq/m3, the lung cancer incidence was about 50% of that in a low-level radon region. . . in the above mentioned high background radiation area, the mortality rate caused by all types of cancer was 37% lower.

3-According to Mine et al. (1981), among A-bomb survivors from Nagasaki, in some age categories, the observed annual rate of death is less than what is statistically expected.

4-Kumatori and his colleagues (Kumatori et al. 1980) reported that according to their 25 year follow up study of Japanese fishermen who were heavily contaminated by plutunium (hydrogen bomb test at Bikini), no one died from cancer.

2.2. Background Radiation Studies
1-In an Indian study, it was observed that in areas with a high-background radiation level, the incidence of cancer and also the mortality rate due to cancer was significantly less than similar areas with a low backgroundradiation level (Nambi and Soman 1987).

2-In a very large scale study in U.S.A, it was found that the mortality rate due to all malignancies was lower in states with higher annual radiation dose (Frigerio 1976).

3- In a large scale Chinese study, it was showed that the mortality rate due to cancer was lower in an area with a relatively high background radiation (74,000 people), while the control group (78,000 people) who lived in an area with low background radiation had a higher rate of mortality (Wei L 1990).

And, best of all:

4-In the U.S.A., it was indicated that significantly, the total cancer mortality is inversely correlated with background radiation dose (Cohen BL. 1993).”

So, those in the Pyramids of Lies are taking something that’s actually good for people and demonizing it, simply as an excuse to hire “green workers” and send them into people’s homes and work places to get rid of something that’s making people healthier.

Obviously, those who study hormesis realize that some radiation, at low levels, actually makes the body stronger. Getting rid of radon is a fairly simple procedure that involves venting basements. That, of course, increases the use of heating fuels. In one of the Pyramids of Lies, increasing the use of heating fuel is bad. In the nearby Radon Pyramid, still one of the smaller Pyramids of Lies people, say that it’s good to burn more fuel to keep continually vented spaces warmer.

Don’t expect any argument between the two Pyramids of Lies. As long as more people are impoverished, confused, and made less healthy, everyone living in the Pyramids of Lies is happy.
