The Sign Says it All


“FREEDOM CAN GO TO HELL” pretty much sums up the Moslem thoughts on the subject.  No mention made of the fact that he’s protesting with free speech in a comparatively free country.  His thoughts on “freedom” are succinct, pejorative, and shared, at least for the moment, by the left.

It was the enlightened left that encouraged and allowed him and his fellow travelers to enter England, where he’s protesting against his new country.  Hating any freedom to avoid desired levels of taxation, the left, heavily bribed by Arab countries desperate to get rid of the surplus population caused by polygamy and its subsequent shortage of wives for most men, brought in Moslem allies to help them destroy the free countries that honored real intellects more than the pseudo-intellectuals who did what they thought of as the “heavy thinking” for the left, self-proclaimed “geniuses” like Sartre and Alinksy.  What they overlooked is that the hatred for them within the peoples they’ve brought to the English shores is a far greater, far more ancient hatred than even their own.

As soon as protestors like this have destroyed freedom for the host culture, and allowed themselves, legislatively, to be tried in their own courts by Sharia Law, they will savagely turn on the left, whose practices outrage them.  Moslems are militantly anti-abortion, anti-homosexual, anti-intellectual, anti-education, anti-culture, anti-tattoo, anti-art, anti-literature, anti-movies, anti-books, anti-promiscuity, and anti-everything else held dear by the left.  Even the leftists have enough sense to notice that they’ve supported a government take-over by people who believe that killing the leftists who participate in such activities is a sure ticket to Heaven.

One may sense The Programmer’s programming behind what will become the mutual-destruction of the two groups who most hate Him and His Son.  Soon, we can anticipate, the left will eventually become aware of what a remarkably stupid thing they’ve done, after many, many more leftists and homosexuals are slaughtered in the streets and in their homes.

“What, we welcomed these people into our country and now they are killing us?” will slowly emerge as a coherent thought, something unusual in minds carefully trained to flexibly follow whatever political correctness they’re told to obey, if only in the interests of “fashion”.  Even their pitifully disorganized brains will begin to realize just how incapable of foresight their own vanity and sin has made their minds.   “Why did we ever do that?”, the brighter among them may ponder, seeking an answer they are not equipped to comprehend.  Some may realize that they only way they can survive is to ask Christians to help them.  “Sorry”, we’ll say, “but it’s not right to keep a people from from their ‘cultural fulfillment’.  We learned that from you.”

Though we may shake our heads when we realize, again, how stupid leftists are, in this case to have allowed their own mind-blinding drive to destroy any freedom that allows people not to be forced to give them money, to have established in power a well-organized, fanatic group of zealots who want to torture and kill every single one of them, we can see a magnificent sort of justice pervading the whole process.

We can but pray that we are spared as the Scourge of God begins to fall.
