A request for programming

A request for programming assistance is the spiritual equivalent of making a call for help on a cell phone. The message goes to a broadcast tower, and is forwarded to the number dialed. Help is soon on the way.

Prayers go much more quickly. When we pray for someone else, we emit some degree of spiritual energy. By some miracle, that energy is quickly restored to us, along with a little bit more. This means that the more we pray, the more we can pray and that our prayers become more effective, over time, at getting the requested programming assistance. The soul, like a muscle, gets stronger with use.

When we make a request for programming assistance, it helps to visualize what happens to the spiritual energy we’ve emitted. Our prayer goes to The Holy Wireless Connector. We understand that in Heaven, “the hardware is the software”, and an angel is immediately dispatched, traveling instantaneously to the target.

Let’s say that we’re watching television. The news show is about some insane new tax and spend scheme being promoted by Rahm Emmanuel and Senator Russ Finegold. (By the way, I pray for both of them in a novena and other prayers about 30 times a day. Don’t know why I picked them. They just seemed bright enough to be open to The Holy Wireless Connector. My own decision to pray for them may have been prompted by the prayers of others doing the same thing. Be interesting to see, over time, what wonderful improvements there will be in their love of God and neighbors. Readers may want to pick their own candidate for “public official I’d most like to see saved”, and are encouraged to do so. Robert Gibbs, the President’s Press Secretary, seems to tell lies every day of his life. He’d be a likely candidate. The world would be a better place if all of us prayed that our two Senators would never make a vote that would keep them out of Heaven.)

So, when we see some self-important person babbling about something they know is sure and certain nonsense, we should just ask The Holy Wireless Connector, “Please, Holy Wireless Connector, send an angel into his mind and remove whatever is keeping him from loving God, truth, and neighbor.”

It’s like shooting at a distant target with a self-guiding bullet fired by the best sniper in the universe. The Holy Wireless Connector immediately understands, far better than we do, what the target for re-programming is. He zips in an appropriate Re-Programmer to make the necessary adjustments. It may not happen immediately, but spiritual changes, we know from our own pilgrimages, don’t usually happen overnight.

Modern technology has some crude gizmos that fire bullets at rapid rates of speed. The Holy Wireless Connector moves spirits far more quickly, more accurately, and for farther distances than even the fastest automatic weapon. Such deadly devices are especially good for supplying us with the visualization of how rapidly The Holy Wireless Connector works.
