Praying for the souls of others is a lot like storming a castle

Praying for the souls of others

is a lot like storming a castle. The king, analogous to the soul we’re trying to save, is living in a thick-walled, defensive structure. Every justified sin, every mistake in seeing the world, and every error that’s been embraced is a stone in its walls. When we pray for a soul, the prayers have a hard time getting through the rows and rows of defenses.

When we realize that frontal assaults, though they may be successful, are needlessly difficult, we may wish to consider historical analogies. Castle walls, no matter how thick, became useless when mortars were invented. Attackers were able to launch projectiles straight up, and over the walls, and have them land on targets within.

Castle walls were also vulnerable from below. Sappers, usually men with mining experience, would dig tunnels beneath the castle walls, and prop up the tunnel roof with heavy beams. When oil-soaked brush and wood were lit and burned away, a section of the castle wall would collapse, allowing the invaders to get to the king.

When we are dealing with a recalcitrant soul, we can lob thoughts over the walls, thoughts he hasn’t considered and has no defense against. Catholic Fundamentalism provides such thoughts with the idea that God programs in three dimensions, and that He programmed and downloaded His vast Creation Program in a week to provide free will to each and every human program. Few lost souls have heard of that, and as they try to deal with it, they cannot deny the possibility that it is so. Catholic Fundamentalism is, in that way, like a mortar shell that flies over the usual defenses.

At the same time, we must act as sappers, undermining the supposed “truths” that the soul has embraced. We see a perfect example of that with the Global Warming fraud and the dozens that preceded it. As we point out that all these things are complicated lies, and that only lost souls could be so benighted as to have believed them, we undermine the intellectual foundations of Conventional Reality, itself.

Happy battling!
