Taking our own temperatures.

It has become apparent that world-wide temperatures are being skewed at both the temperature collection sites and by those who “adjust” those temperatures to “let people know what temperatures really are “.

http://wattsupwiththat.com/ has done a wonderful job exposing some of the ways thermometers have been sited to maximize the temperatures they record so that higher temperature records will support legislation to enrich those in the global warming industry.

One wonders if there would be a thousand or so people in the United States who would buy, install, record and send temperatures in their neighborhoods to an impartial center that would produce a record of truer temperatures.

This would do two things. First, it would eliminate the false reporting and computation of numbers that seems to be endemic with the global warmers. Second, it would force them to lie a little less.

It would be a fun project, if only to watch the initial sputtering and outrage that would accompany it, especially in its initial stages.

Global Warming, at heart a manifestation of leftist vanity.

Those on the left hate anyone who solves problems efficiently. Their livelihoods depend on not solving problems, so they have a natural antipathy to those who can solve them. They know that if problem-solvers are allowed to do what they do best, they will lose their jobs.

Global Warming, at its heart, is their way of saying: “Those awful people who make and do things are so powerful that their activities are destroying life on earth, polluting it with carbon dioxide, and they must be stopped. Only we can stop them, and we will, if we are not given money.”

At the same time, these chronic complainers about “excess” take full advantage of air conditioners, furnaces, automobiles, medicine, airplanes, lights, computers, and all the other things that were provided by problem-solvers able to overcome the leftists of the past.

It’s an awful way to go through life, hating the very things that they use every single minute of every single hour of every single day that they live. Catholic Fundamentalists ask, “Don’t they notice that they hate so much that they can’t even think straight? Don’t they notice that their hate has destroyed their ability for rational thought? Don’t they care?”

The answer to all three questions is “No.” Their souls have been so overwhelmed by their own vanity that they simply hate any truth that shows them how utterly awful they’ve become.
