Myth #1: Liberals are intelligent.

ost liberals like to think of themselves as being smarter than those who disagree with them. In actual fact, no liberal plan has ever worked better than what it replaced. When we look at the funding mechanisms of the left, education is at the top. But, despite more money being spent on education than ever before, students are leaving school knowing less than at any time in centuries. Similarly, all sorts of welfare programs have been instituted, each of which has made things worse.

Myth #2: Liberals care about people.

Few lies are told as often. In fact, all liberal programs are concerned about taking money from those who have more and giving it to those who have less. To facilitate what is actually theft, the left pretends to care. Those who care about “women’s rights”, for instance, never raise a whisper of protest about “honor killings” that allow countless members of some religions to kill female relatives who “dishonor” them.

Those who most loudly proclaim their concern about “people” are uniformly in favor of the right to kill unborn children. They are able to care and kill because of Myth#1.
