April 21, 1934, The Chicago Tribune (from poorandstupid.com):

Rare that a cartoon is so prophetic.  After seventy five years, things still haven’t changed.  The bitter, hateful people of the left are still ravaging American taxpayers.  Now, they’re entrenched in any number of institutions that barely existed in 1934.

Then, there were a lot of state universities absorbing many of the angry leftists, the poisonous fruit that came from the “land grant” schools.  The New Deal promised jobs for many more useless organizations.  But, the big foundations that endlessly fund assaults on the citizenry were not yet as swollen and dangerous.

Then, the enemy was Communism, bitter children of the French Revolution.  Now, the hatred crystallized among the sons of Ishmael is a more powerful force.  It is as if the Communists were merely the face of one prism of hatred, with the far more dangerous Ishmaelites waiting until they had destroyed themselves.

The question is whether the two sources of institutionalized hate, Communism and Ishmaelism, will combine or battle each other into oblivion.  A few years ago, with the Russians fighting them in Southern Russia, it looked as if they might battle each other.

Now, reasons for them to ally are emerging.  Neither the Communists nor the Ishmaelites have been good at producing anything but energy.  Energy extraction is a fairly simple process, and they are able to drill wells for gas and oil that they can sell to the remaining Christians.  It appears that they’ve divided the European/American customer base.  Russians are supplying natural gas with the Ishmaelites are supplying most of the liquid hydrocarbons.

They can go on funding their hate as long as their environmentalist allies and paid helpers can keep the West from building more nuclear reactors.  On the other hand, there is one sign that the Russians understand that their enemy is the same as ours.  From the people of Russia comes this magnificent statue, commemorating the Ishmaelite 9/11 attack on the the American people, who, like the Russians, are sons of Isaac:
