Christian Apologetics.

“Christian Apologetics” is one of those phrases that make little sense on the surface. “I apologize for telling you the truth about the world we live in and the one we’re going to because I want your soul to know eternal joy.” is one meaning. Another is: “I apologize because you’re so wrong about things, but I simply am compelled to tell you about God and His coming judgment, because if I don’t, my own soul will be judged with results that will be eternally painful to me. I apologize for the disruption to your view of the world.”

Even among Christians, views that cause us to change our own minds are often painful. Many Christians believe, for instance, in evolution. Catholic Fundamentalists, on the other hand, believe it’s just another ploy the other side manufactured to separate our souls from their Creator. We believe that God, The Loving Unprogrammed Programmer, programmed particles and compiled them into vast systems and complicated beings for one reason, to give us free will. As a result, He had to program a cosmos in which we were all free to believe in Him, or not.

We are also given the freedom to see Him as a reflection of ourselves, which is where ideas like evolution begin.

Evolution gives us the opportunity to use our own egos to “dumb down” God to the point we’re comfortable believing in Him. Those who work for the other side encourage us to embrace a system in which God is not really necessary. By embracing any such notion, we bring an asp into our mind.
