The other side uses “science” to escape from God.

The lost souls on the other side are led astray by their own vanity. Since Darwin, they have used “science” to undermine belief in God. This exercise in vanity always goes something like this:

“We have discovered, by analyzing layers of rock, fossils, ice cores, continental drift, carbon dating, genetic projections, the distance of stars, the expanding universe, the ‘big bang’, etc., etc., etc., that the world is at least 20 billion years old. Most intelligent, educated people now believe that the universe, and we, ourselves, came into being by accident and evolved to what it, and we, now are.”

When a mind falls into such a trap, and they are set daily, even hourly, by the other side, the soul within may cry out in agony, “I am being lost!”. Those heart-wrenching cries fall on deaf ears within and without.

Catholic Fundamentalism, on the other hand, tells us that all such theories disregard God’s desire and ability to program and download a universe with the express purpose of giving each human being free will. When we look at the latest “scientific proof” that the universe, and we, ourselves, appeared by a series of coincidences over 20 billion years, we find ourselves amazed how easily billions of souls are first fooled, then, lost.

Our choice is plain. We can define God as “The Unprogrammed Programmer”, and believe He is the programmer of all that’s necessary to give free will to each person in every age. We believe that He’s that powerful and that He loves us that much. On the other hand, we can choose to see Him as a being with less power and love for us, or disregard His existence altogether.

Our eternal happiness depends on the choice we make.
