MAYDAY! A day to consider “dis” and “less”.

The first of May has long been a leftist holy day. As such, it behooves us to take a moment to reflect on what the left loves most. Dante described the activities of the damned with “dis”. “Dis” organize, “dis”place, “dis”trust, “dis” words describe the state that the Virus wants to corrupt all that is good, decent, and works.

“Dis”, however, is not as popular among the semi-left as “less”. During WWII, England could not grow enough food for its people and shipments from allies did not reliably arrive. So, food rationing was instituted. That ensured that the rich could not take too much advantage of their wealth to fill their larders, which would make the problem worse.

After the war, the English assumed that food rationing would disappear as it quickly did in the United States.

That assumption was wrong. Food rationing finally went away in 1955, ten years after the end of the war that caused it. We see therein the very heart of the leftist soul. The left liked rationing. They liked having people line up for eggs, bread, and the very stuff of life. They liked their safe, secure jobs in the various rationing agencies. Some liked having a black market because it gave them lots of chances to prosecute their neighbors. They liked having special access to things denied their neighbors. Mostly, they just plain liked being able to boss people.

Today, the same moral segment of the population wants to ration energy. To that aim, they’ve built vast pyramids of lies, all with the goal of keeping people from being able to buy, sell, and produce energy without the approval of some leftist with the usual inclination to say “No!”

If the average electric bill in the United States is a hundred dollars a month, and there are a hundred million houses and apartments, $10,000,000 dollars a month is spent on electricity. To provide power to offices, classrooms, and factories, assume that another $40,000,000,000 is spent each month. That’s fifty billion a month.

Those in love with “less” think we have and use too much electricity. So, they want us to have less and pay more.

To that end, they have stopped nuclear power plants from being built that produce clean, cheap electricity for about a penny and a half/kilowatt hour. Windmills produce erratic power, sometimes, at a cost of $1.20/kwh. If we built a couple of dozen new reactors, we would collectively reduce our fifty billion/month electric bill by half, giving Americans an extra twenty five billion dollars a month to spend.

Those in love with less, like their food-rationing counterparts in 1950 England, simply won’t allow that to happen. Amazingly, voters continue to return those who impoverish them to office.
