The easy target is not always the right one.

It’s interesting to watch leftists attack people. Leftists never attack their most dangeous enemies. Many on the left rant endlessly against Catholics, Baptists, and Orthodox Jews. They viciously berate anyone who believes that documented life-shortening behavior hurts both them and the society that they leave at a far younger age than if they were obedient to The Programmer’s Operating Instructions.

Neither Catholics, Baptists, nor Orthodox Jews insult those on the left, no matter how self-destructive some of their behavior may be. They would never dream of attacking them, either verbally or physically. Many of the faithful may ask God to free those involved from their affinity to life-shortening practices. The faithful do so because they sincerely love their neighbors and want them to have long and prosperous lives, followed by an eternity of joy in Heaven. The very thought of being “prayed for” enrages those who are filled with anger at the thought that there could be a better way to go through life, and lash out at any who disagree.

Moslems, on the other hand, are the real enemies of many on the left. They hunt down those with whose behavior they disagree. Then, they kill them. Many times, the painful deaths they inflict are preceded by whatever “purifying” tortures their tormentors can invent. Moslem clergy believe and teach, for instance that it is their “duty” to exterminate all the “sons of Lot” who engage in behavior they don’t like.

Most of us read a wide variety of websites. Rarely, if ever, do we see any far-left activists discussing the threat to their actual lives and life-styles that Moslems represent. Those with international experience know that many are in actual, physical danger from Moslems all over the world. Yet, they say nothing about it. Their fear of Moslems is, thereby, seen to be nearly palpable.

It’s rare to see such an intellectual dichotomy: The Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish groups who are faithful to the Bible, and who try to love their neighbors, are viciously attacked by activists. About the Moslems who threaten, injure, and kill people for not behaving as they like, the left says nothing.

Their own vanity seems more important to the leftists than their very lives.
