Some are put off, if not repelled, by the phrase, “You must be born again.”

Many intelligent people don’t like to hear phrases like, “You must be born again.”, or “I am a born-again Christian.” Their reaction is hostile enough to keep them from even trying to understand the underlying validity of the message. Hostility to the message increases with education. Among the highly educated, disparaging the phrase “born again” is practically a password among the enlightened. To hardened sinners, being “born again” is a notion to be shunned above all others.

Catholic Fundamentalists understand that many good people with good educations have a difficult time dealing with the phrase without an immediate negative reaction. So, we say, “To get to Heaven, we have to be re-programmed to fit into The Program.”

Those who respond negatively to “You must be born again.” may consider the description from our own age: “The Unprogrammed Programmer is able to program particles and compile them into systems and beings. He programmed a world in which we’d have free will. To access The Programmer, we have to download His Program. In the Iron Age, they called this ‘being born again.’ That’s how pre-computer people described replacing our human programs with His Program.”
