The Catholic-Muslim Alliance.

“For instance, the Vatican — newly allied with conservative Muslim nations — blocked reference to contraception and family planning at a U.N. conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This alliance also disrupted proceedings at a 1994 U.N. conference in Cairo, where any reasonable discussion of abortion was impeded.”

Los Angeles Times, October 17, 2003

John Paul II showed that he could do basic arithmetic. It was easy for him to realize that the governments of formerly Christian countries were murdering, by abortion, millions of children every year. When those governments used the bloodthirsty bureaucrats of the United Nation’s organizations to try to destroy even more unborn children in countries being looted by those same bureaucrats, agencies, and organizations, the Pope reached out to the Muslim community. He knew that their theology did, and does, result in a thousands of “honor killings” every year, but understood it to be a drop in the bucket when compared to the West’s Culture of Death.

This Catholic-Muslim pro-life alliance was able to stop some of the additional murders so beloved by the Culture of Death. This sudden unity between forces that had been fighting each other for 1300 years was a huge historical change that’s as ignored as it is misunderstood. The Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth, told the world he was on the side of life, and the Muslim unification with him showed that they were, too. By implication, the man with the keys to Heaven told the world that those who opposed him, the bureaucrats of the West, were, essentially, damned.

Western leaders, living in the faded shadow of almost 2,000 Christian, pro-life years, were shocked. Their hatred for the Pope quickly boiled to the surface. “How dare he side with the Muslims against we who are so enlightened?”, they demanded to know, little realizing that the more they fought for death, the deeper into the pit their own souls would be sent.
