Praying provides access to The Programmer.

In the days before men knew what “programming” was, apostles told us that the only way to access the Father was through the Son. In our age, as we begin to think of God as The Unprogrammed Programmer, we naturally search for passwords to access Him. Scripture tells us that the only way to reach The Unprogrammed Programmer is to download The Program.

Catholic Fundamentalists visualize the Son as the perfect, loving, obedient, Program in human form. So, our thinking ties in with the apostles’. We just use more technologically meaningful words to describe what others have known for millennia.

We, therefore, see God the Father as The Unprogrammed Programmer. He is not some sort of automaton, but our loving Father in Heaven. If His Program were to be summed up in one word, it would be “love”. All that He programmed, remember, He can program particles, and compile them into systems and beings, exists for each and every human being to choose, or to reject, loving Him and our neighbors.

One way to access Jesus Christ, The Program, is by loving both God and neighbor. Starting to do that opens the door to an eternity with The Unprogrammed Programmer, The Program, and the Holy Wireless Connector who makes us a part of His Program, even as we are still living among the lesser programmed entities.
