Haters need someone to hate.

Leaders of the other side use haters as generals use infantry, to attack their enemies. Haters are easily directed to focus their considerable anger on targets their leaders feel are ripe for exploitation. To give teeth to their largely useless rants, the best haters are encouraged to move beyond name calling, into “direct action”.

We see perfect examples of this in the environmental movement. Enviro-haters begin by calling big corporations names. This grows tiresome, and big corporations can usually pay environmental leaders to send their troops to harass competitors. So, large, identifiable groups, like suburbanites, are attacked. Having a nice house in the suburbs makes people part of “Urban sprawl”, a vicious attack on “nature”.

Some of the most hate-filled can be easily convinced to burn down houses under construction. They can be led to think it’s their “duty” to start grass and forest fires to “wipe out urban sprawl” and “teach those suburbanites a lesson”.

It is rare for those under attack to respond. Those called names rarely respond by name calling. Those whose properties are torched rarely respond by burning down the properties of others.

If one were to provide a hater some form of lucrative employment, many believe that the hater would stop hating. There may be some truth to that, but there aren’t enough jobs in the world that pay as much as most haters think they’re worth.
