Fear, anger, hate, and death, the Four Horsemen.

Most of us have better lives because Thomas Edison invented so many wonderful things we use every day. We have become dependent on his inventions and others that stem from them. On the other hand, some resent such genius. They say that we should “go back to a simpler time”.

Since there is no way to feed, house, transport, and medically care for growing populations without new Edisons, fearful souls, too unhinged by anger to see the possibility of progress, have drawn the only conclusion they can: “There are too many people. Populations must be reduced.” Interestingly, none of these people want to solve the “most serious problem of all” by being part of the solution. It is always others who must die.

That fact may contain the beginning of their own salvation. When we understand that the bitter want their Imaginary Problems to be solved by the death of others as they maintain their own lives, we can understand that there is some bit of love for life within them.

We may point out that those who think there are too many people have two options. They must either kill others or themselves. We’d hate to see anyone die before they begin to work on saving themselves.

Asking those who want to see population reduction, “If you think overpopulation is a truly important problem, why not practice what you preach?” may make them angrier. Pointing out that “If you believe in what you do not do, are you better or worse than those you think should die?”

At least Jim Jones drank his own Kool-Aid.
