The above chart reminds one of Joseph and the Pharaoh.

An overlooked question: “Do those with the power to create and motivate the Global Warmers know the solar cycles and understand that the world has been cooling for the past ten years”? At the top levels, Warmers have access to real scientists. They know that solar output has been slowing, is slowing, and that future output is expected to drop even more, as it did during the frozen years of the Maunder Minimum.

Is that is the real reason they want to keep us from building nuclear reactors and coal generating systems? By pretending that Global Warming is a problem, they can stop new energy sources from coming on line. Then, they can overcharge us for the energy we’ll need to stay alive as we go into the next ten or twenty freezing years of global cooling.

We know that government thrives on rationing. An early example of government rationing is recorded in the chapters following Genesis, 37, concerning Joseph and the Pharaoh. Once Pharaoh understood that there would be seven fat, prosperous years followed by seven lean years of famine, his Government, at Joseph’s behest, bought up all the food supplies during the seven good years and stored the crops. When famine came, the government exchanged its food for land and ended up owning all of Egypt, except for some property left in the hands of religious organizations. That allowed large scale food production that made Egypt prosperous through Roman times, when its factory farms fed much of the Empire.

That’s why a basic law of Catholic Fundamentalism is: “The greater the scarcity, the more power that rationing agencies have.”

It is not unreasonable to assume that the Global Warmers have been using their positions to make energy production impossible. They are even tearing down dams whose generators produce cheap, clean power. As they reduce the ability of people to build reliable power sources, their control of energy becomes a matter of life and death.

We will be, globally, like the Egyptian peasants, forced to trade all we have for the power we need to stay alive. To think that this is unreasonable is to believe that our government officials are more concerned with our well-being than were Pharaoh’s minions.
