Loving vs. Hating

When The Unprogrammed Programmer sent His Son, The Living Program in perfect, loving, obedient, human form to earth, He made it clear that we were to love our neighbor. His very presence on earth, in fact, was a result of His Father’s love for us. Mary’s obedience in bringing our Savior to life was another manifestation of love.

Loving God keeps us consistently centered on love, truth, and obedience.

Those on the other side have one love: they choose to endlessly attack life, love, and truth. Their lack of love for all but their own attack-mentality makes their minds unable to understand the world around them. That causes a lack of harmony in their minds, which become overloaded with contradictions that are usually hidden by the swelling vanity whose insatiable needs take up their lives.

Their many, many problems, most of them utterly imaginary, are the inevitable results of their spiritual choice to avoid God and His Operating Instructions. They willingly make that choice, and the countless following decisions to continue to ignore Him. Problems spring up like mushrooms in their minds.

Having minds overloaded with inconsistencies is about the only consistency in their lives. We can see one consistency among the hate-filled, and that is a tendency to hate whatever they can define, along with whatever they cannot define. Once a definition is made and embraced, it is quickly attacked by those who did not think of it.

Without God, they are as lost as compass needles without magnetic poles.
