Pity the poor fools

Pity the poor fools who continue to be bamboozled by the Global Warming lies. These simple pawns spend their lives being moved from square to square on the Great Chessboard, inevitably sacrificed by those who move them. They were moved onto the Global Freezing squares thirty years ago. Then, they were moved to the squares delineating the Dioxin Fright. After that, they were moved into the Diet Scare squares, where all obediently agreed that meat, fish, milk, fat, fiber, sugar, and salt were deadly killers.

While those great panics were still ongoing, many pawns found themselves moved onto the Ozone square, and worried mightily about words they could not spell and have now forgotten. “Was it fluorocarbons or carbonfluoros?”, the dimly aware sometimes still ask themselves. They get confused about the squares to which they’ve been moved. “Was I on the acid rain square before or after I went to the Alar square?” Most recently, masses of pawns were shuttled onto the Global Warming squares, which they still claim to be “the greatest threat humankind has ever faced” even as record low temperatures have been recorded every day, week, and month for the past few years.

As the poor pawns were shoved from square to square, where the brighter ones learned and repeated the latest lies, their analytical abilities were eroded. Now, they are reduced to little more than a mindless pawn-herd, thinking whatever they are told, intellectually paralyzed by untruths with which their thinking is permanently short-circuited.

At some level, they know they have never been right about anything, and know just as well that they never will be. They have lost the joys of independent thought while exchanging the joys of truth and freedom for the proverbial “mess of pottage”. They have no more self-confidence, no more free will, no more freedom. “Can I ever be right about anything?”, a few of the less dim bulbs wonder, even as they replace their incandescents with the new, mercury-laden bulbs, successfully foisted onto the pawn-herd at great cost to each one of them.

Pity the poor fools as they are moved across the board, even as they think they are intelligently moving themselves, to be sacrificed at the whim and will of those whom they have allowed to control their lives.
