In further analyzing one of the most remarkable definitions of all time,

“Those who chose to do evil are part of the body of the apostate angel”, we may consider the unending flow of lies, distortions, and false alarms that flow simultaneously from the world-wide, state-run media. We see that those who spread such falsehoods are the face and mouth of the apostate angel that makes his wishes known around the world. His lies flow from the mouths of attractive faces on a daily, even hourly, basis.

When we look critically at any of the state-run newspapers, newsmagazines, or TV stations, we see clearly that lies, distortions, and false alarms comprise the bulk of their output, whether by ink or electrons. It is logical to ask, “Where do all these falsehoods come from?”.

So, we go from the “news personality” (face and mouth of the apostate angel) to editor (fringe of the fallen angel’s mind) to publisher to owners, who are even closer to the very generator of destructive, corrupting viruses, that encourage the death so beloved by the apostate angel. The Bible does not call him “the father of lies” for nothing.

When we see his mouthpieces and those who control them, it is easy to see that vanity abounds among them. Some personalities simply loved to be looked at by their neighbors, and TV stations provide positions where those burdened with extraordinary amounts of vanity may be amply rewarded for giving their lives to their egos. Most local “news personalities” in middle markets with dying economies are paid salaries in the $200,000/year range simply to read the same things that other “news personalities” are reading on other channels.

Their bosses, the directors, producers, and editors are also well paid for their vanities, which are of a sort that drives them to be thought of as “intellectual”, which is how they will order their underlings to describe them. Most of the watchers, listeners, and readers have been carefully trained to believe such claptrap. “Intellectual” is an adjective generally reserved for middle managers who participate in passing on the death wishes of the apostate angel, himself. Like their underlings, these in the “middle management of evil”, wish to be admired, but more for their supposedly “genius-like” mental abilities than for the grooming, costumes, fake sincerity, and hair-dos so important to the “news personalities”.

Upper-level managers supervise the middle-management of subordinate chaff spewers, the directors, producers, and editors whose underlings are its direct disseminators. They are even closer to the driving death-wish that is the evil brain of the apostate angel.

The owners who direct the upper-level managers are mostly billionaires and billionaire desperately-wannabes. They don’t care much about what anyone thinks about them. Their concern is maintaining the loyalty to evil that enables them to maintain their earthly position by obeying their master’s every destructive desire. That process, in some owner-families, goes on for generations of the damned.

Again, we may have great gratitude to the little-known Saxon monk, Hugh of St. Victor, whose learning and wisdom helped eight and a half centuries of readers to realize that “those who do evil are part of the body of the apostate angel”. That seemingly-simple sentence in his Discadalicon provides a real step forward in understanding the parts of the body that the hierarchy of evil people on earth represent.
