People who have chosen to become part of the body of the apostate angel

People who have chosen to become part of the body of the apostate angel do their best to corrupt and destroy. We see their presence most obviously in those careers that depend on the various monopolies that governments have evolved to build large, safe bases of supporters. One of the largest such structures has evolved in Western governments around the imaginary “need for public education”.

Since people love their children, it’s easy for those who repeatedly say “we need to help the children” to get access to large, steady flows of tax money with which they can hire those able to repeat most effectively variations of the “we need to help the children” litany. At the same time, they do everything possible to keep them from learning enough to ever be so independent that they threaten their system.

Most taxpayers are not cunning enough to realize that the things reported by the state-run media about public education are lies, exaggerations, and false alarms churned out by those who excel at such things. We are as simple as sheep, trusting as lambs, and as inevitably fleeced repeatedly before being devoured.

We see the corruption clearly when we consider our local school boards. Those positions appear to be the results of “free elections”. In fact, most school board members are there because they were supported by a union strong enough to control most elections. No one who fights against increased funding is supported by their unions, and those who do fight are, sooner or later, inevitably eliminated in primary elections controlled by the small numbers of hard-core supporters who swing primaries to favored candidates.

The result; most school board members arrange for spouses, children, family members, and friends to be hired. With the cashing of every paycheck issued because of such nepotism, souls are moved closer to perdition even as employee ability declines. That dooms the system to ever greater failure while simultaneously requiring more and more lies to be told even as more administrators are hired to “improve the system”.

Praying for those losing their souls is about all we can do.
