As we explore the coming blow-up

As we explore the coming blow-up

between Moslems and their now-supportive liberal friends, we can see that the final battle will be as brutal as it is short. Already, European Jews and homosexuals are being viciously attacked by Moslems who are offended by their very presence. As a result, Europeans are all becoming more worried about being attacked, and find that their police protection has often evaporated.

There are laws for conservatives, fewer laws for leftists, and no laws at all for those who mount attacks on Western natives. Even while liberals finding ways to justify saying “It serves them right.” when describing victims of Moslem aggression, they are seeing that their own enlightenment fails to provide the defense that worked when used against conservatives.

Leftists have a thought pattern that goes something like this: “The news reports that so-and-so or such-and-such were attacked, (beaten, raped, robbed, murdered) by ‘Asians’ (one of the code words for “Moslems”). I, though a member of the same group, will not do anything because they deserved to be attacked, if only because (and this is perpetually popular as a way to disassociate the leftist from having to be involved, ‘they were in the wrong place at the wrong time’.”

Politicians, it may be assumed as a result of taking bribes, will not allow the police to do anything meaningful to protect their own citizens, because “fairness” is more important than loving their neighbors. Currently, in some European countries, the only people who dare to fight against the ongoing attacks on sovereignty are members of motorcycle gangs, hardly numbered among the intellectual elite. As more people are persecuted for offending Moslem beliefs, the left will begin to turn against them. It is already happening in Russia, where Mr. Putin is lionized for not caving in the way, for instance, Prince Charles automatically does.
