
We all know that when our bodies are in one position too long, we need to stand and stretch. That gives relief to cramped muscles and we start moving around, relieved to be doing so.

When our minds have been in one place too long, a similar fatigue sets in. To stretch our minds, we have to start thinking about bigger things. That makes our mind happy. Suddenly, it is doing what it was programmed to do, absorbing and categorizing information.

Most of us spend most of our time with our soul relegated to some isolated place within us. We may forget that our soul needs to stretch just as much as do our body and mind. When we are praying the prayer that Jesus, The Program in Loving, Obedient, Human form gave us, we begin with “Our Father, Who art in Heaven”, our soul becomes ecstatic. “Finally!”, it says, “The self-important nincompoop in whom I’m living is finally doing something important!”

As our soul stretches, it begins to relate our own mind to the vastly greater, and surprisingly similar, Mind through whose awesome power our own immortal existence was programmed.
