Working together for good.

It’s hard to imagine how lies can be good, but they do help some people draw nearer to God. Lies are always growing and expanding. After a while, a huge pile of lies, as those comprising the Global Warming “Problem”, begin to multiply so vastly that they collapse of their own weight.

Once someone begins to actually make money from a lie, a perfect example being the hundreds of millions of dollars accumulated by Al Gore for endlessly prevaricating about the various causes of seemingly inconsistent weather patterns, others jump on the bandwagon with lies of their own.

Soon, the lies are being churned out, repeated, and embellished so much that they become obvious to those who endlessly hear them.

In the middle period of Communism, many of its most ardent supporters began to leave as the lies became too much for them to handle. There were contradictions everywhere. Peasants were lauded at the same time millions of Ukrainian farmers were machine-gunned. Hitler was an enemy, then a friend, then, an enemy. Gradually, lies tend to fade away, more slowly when the liars have complete control of government and its media, but always collapsing under their own weight.

Believers should be aware of this so that we can act as a “safety net”, to let the soul sick of endless lies know that he is especially loved by the God Who is Truth.
