Now that the Global Warming Lies are

Now that the Global Warming Lies are collapsing, we see an amazing increase in coverage of the “Obesity” problem. This morning on the internet, in lockstep with the efforts to take over additional segments of the private sector, nearly every state-run web site is bemoaning obesity. One is actually proclaiming that “Obesity is a threat to national security!”

We don’t see any more overweight people than we ever did. There are always a few fat people, and always have been. The First Programming Log (Old Testament), tells us that Eli was an unusually fat person, who fell over from emotional distress, and died. That’s the earliest fat person in history that I’ve read about, and I’ve seen nowhere else in the Bible that obesity is a problem.

But, “The Obesity Problem” is perfect for nanny. It provides occupations for several parts of the body of the apostate angel. Those teachers who, by nature, tend toward hysteria, get to “teach” about its many dangers. Counselors get to “counsel”. Chemical manufacturers get to “help” by providing mind and body altering drugs at high margins. Retailers get to sell them, again, at high margins. Regulators get to weigh, analyze, and, in England, provide “camps” where children deemed to be obese can have their behavior changed. The opportunities for profit abound.

Another truly wonderful opportunity the “Obesity Problem” offers the left is the continual dropping of the weight level determined to be “ideal”. As increasing thinness is mandated, the problem will not be solved until we all look like prisoners in one of Castro’s camps.

Since weight is largely determined by genes, those profiting from obesity can make people feel guilty just for being what they are. That’s a big reason that the “Obesity Problem” is so popular with those who spend their lives making others as poor and miserable as possible. It can be used effectively to make people hate themselves, a big step toward losing their souls.

One fact that Obesity Problem profiteers intentionally ignore is that many large-scale tests, involving hundreds of thousands of people, show that those who are less than morbidly obese live longer, recover from illness more quickly, and are in overall better health than their thin, “ideal-weight”, skin-and-bones counterparts. In fact, life expectancies in the United States were recently reported to have increased by seven months, so one could reasonably conclude that what alarmists call “obesity” actually helps people live longer.

Just as professional “Obesity Worriers” don’t think about those facts, Global Warmers are unable to deal with the fact that temperatures have been falling for the past ten or twelve years, and seem to follow sunspot cycles that regulators are as unable to regulate as the genes of the people the fat police want to rule more oppressively than ever.

The more lies a person embraces, the farther his soul moves from the Truth of Programmer and Program, and the apostate angel applauds himself.
