The Bible tells us that “the wages of sin is death”

The Bible tells us that “the wages of sin is death”. Few of us understand why it doesn’t read “the wages of sin are death”, but that’s the way some translators put it, and there are better things to do than nitpick.

Many Christians are aware that homosexual life spans are much shorter than heterosexuals’. Some studies have suggested that they live half to two thirds as long as their counterparts. From this, it is not unreasonable to conjecture that the Biblical passage is, literally, correct.

When this is explained, there are usual reactions. “Those figures come from Christians, and can’t be trusted.” We may think about responding, “Why would people who know they will go to hell for bearing false witness choose to lie about something that gains them nothing except hostility?”

At this point in the conversation, the topic may be suddenly changed.

Still, we are left with the fact that some people would rather die than change. This has to be an extreme definition of “vanity”. Answering yesterday’s question, we may consider that homosexuals have a greater dislike for the Christians who worry about their shortened life spans than for those who actively work to shorten them. The former attack their vanity, which is of greater concern than their very lives, which are frequently cut short by the latter.
