What’s in those particles?

Our minds are filled with memories, pieces of the past stored in our minds. Each thing that we think we know is actually there, encoded in or on, or has become, some tiny particle. People in jail, with a lot of time on their hands, can remember long-ago events very clearly as they learn to recall different memories from their home in the mind. Many spend their sentences reliving past years with astonishing clarity. So, seemingly, can those who are hypnotized.

Memory particles can make us sad or happy. Victims of abuse, with bizarre pain frequently filling their memory banks, have a hard time being joyful. Just as a computer programmer is able to re-write the files in a computer, so we have the opportunity to over-write what’s written in our minds.

This may be a painful process. Our individual memories, as if they are alive (and, they may be, living as tiny spirits in our mind), resent and resist being erased and overwritten, even when a better program is presented. The basic understanding of improvement is this: “All things work together for good”. This does not mean that we should sin and that good will come of is, but it does mean that our sins, upon reflection, can be seen to have caused hurt. We must ask forgiveness for having hurt, and those memories can be used to help us avoid doing harmful things in the future. It that way, good can come from having done wrong.

Still, we don’t know exactly what’s in those particles and how they got from outside us to inside us. All we know is that we can be and do better, and memories of past mistakes should be used to help us avoid the kind of thinking that led us into making them.
