The most important thing:

Today’s Scripture reading comes from Romans, 8;12: “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die,
but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”

There are two types of human programs, those who live according to the flesh and will die and those who do not and won’t. The souls of the former will go to Heaven, the fate of the latter has been adequately recorded. The entire Creation Program was written and downloaded to provide each one of us the freedom to choose.

This passage clearly delineates the two types of us human programs and tells us the results of our choices. “If you live according to the flesh, you will die.” pretty much sums up all that any human being needs to know to make the right choices for eternal joy.

It’s difficult for some to take that seriously because they’ve downloaded an operating system that helps keep their own program separated from He Who programmed it. The easy thing to think is “Too bad for them.”, shrug our shoulders, and go on about our business.
More is required of us, as long as we don’t, in trying to help, drop to the level of “living according to the flesh”.
