The more we live according to the flesh, the more we’re punished.

It’s one thing to tell a lie, but to do so in the face of overwhelming truth makes it much, much worse.  The weather map pasted below from shows what the temperatures have been for October.

Doesn’t take much of a mind to see that temps are much lower than normal.  On top of that, European temperatures are similarly far below average.

Month after month, these maps are made available and show lower, instead of higher, temperatures.  It’s amazing that so many willfully choose to ignore them.

So, what causes the Global Warming lie?  What makes people say and believe things that simply are not true?  Their souls are lost.  A passage from The Catholic Church’s daily reading was posted immediately above: “If you live according to the flesh, you will die.”  Those who persist in living such lies as Global Warming have been warned.

Earthly rewards are given to those who invent, propagate, and believe these lies.  Those rewards all disappear at death, when the souls that embraced them go to Judgment.  After each Judgment comes the Sentence, which is greatly feared by the wise.
