Big lies abound among us.

One of the handiest things about Catholic Fundamentalism is that it simplifies, boiling faith and science down to something far more understandable than the popular hodgepodge of confusion, contradiction, and complacency with both.

The thinking behind “evolution” is one of the most convoluted thought patterns of all time. Within it, the age of the world has been extended anywhere from 20 billion years to eternity. Sub-consciously, it makes little sense to take seriously a God Who would dither endlessly, playing with His toys. And, that is the underlying thought desired to by placed within our minds by those who embrace such theories. Lost souls do not want other souls to be saved, and put forth endless amounts of claptrap to separate them from the God Who lovingly programmed each of us.

Catholic Fundamentalists understand that God is a powerful Being Who has a far greater ability to program than we. Where we can program a movie, and make startlingly real two-dimensional representations of reality with two dimensional pixels, He can program actual objects with three dimensional pixels. His power has allowed Him to program an entire universe, with us in it; we are intentionally programmed in such a way that we really can’t “prove” He did so.

Faith, “the evidence of things not seen”, is necessary for salvation in His Creation Program. One way to faith is to see that the current crop of lies is merely one of many, many such harvests. Lies are allowed to grow in every generation, to give all an equal opportunity to believe in God and His Church, or to deny both God and the possibility of salvation. When we see the lies of the ages spread out before us, we can also see a small light that’s been burning since the beginning.

When we get a “feel” for lies, and avoid them, life is easier and safer. We see that popular lies are similar in that they are automatically popular with political systems and the communications organizations controlled by them. The other side has, in every generation, its anointed experts to tell its lies for them, accompanied by accolades from its other such minions.

The idea that we have “an ideal cholesterol level” is one such lie. Ignoring that cholesterol is produced by our liver in accord with directions from our brain, reducing such levels to an ever decreasing “ideal” has been a surprisingly lucrative source of income for many who embrace the lie.

Earlier medicine men used to tell us that smoking was good for us. Others were rewarded for similar lunacies. One vicious liar received a Nobel Prize for slicing into peoples’ brains, destroying them with the lobotomies by which he destroyed tens of thousand of people, confused into institutionalizable mental illness by the clouds of lies around them before the doctors’ instruments turned them into far more primitive primates.

Current lies include various demands for greater control and taxation of energy. The foundations for such lies run deep, and are said to be based on “concern for the future”, always a popular idol among the lie community.

The “environmental lies” are accompanied by a plethora of other falsehoods, including praise for “organic” food, “locally grown produce “, and various diets centered on plants. Interestingly, those best at telling such lies frequently convene in huge conventions, where their meals include far more exotic and expensive foodstuffs than they recommend, and work to mandate, for their neighbors. Participants are aware of the hypocrisy but feel, in their enlightened status, that they are far, far above being criticized for it. They often use such accusations of hypoicrisy to identify those who criticize them for it, putting them on some sort of “enemies list”.

Lies are learned in schools, both in the formal institutions that increasingly certify only those weak and hare-brained enough to believe and pass on the lies of the day. Such lies are reinforced by the endless barrage of lies from the state-run media.

It’s easy for those of little faith to get depressed when looking out on the oceans of frauds and seeing the endless waves of lies hitting the beach before us. One cure is to pray for the soul of each person we see telling such a lie, and ask God to let them see the emptiness of their lives without Him.

When praying for their souls, it is important to realize that even the most professional liars, at some deep level, know that they are spending their lives on lies, and simply lack the courage to escape them except by embracing more sins to distract them from their coming doom. Therefore, we must ask The Programmer to download not only wisdom into their minds, but also, courage.

What happens to prayers?

The Book of Revelations tells us that prayers go to Heaven, and coalesce into actual form upon the Altar of God. Revelations, 8; 3-6: “A large quantity of incense was given to him to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that stood in front of the throne; and so from the angel’s hand, the smoke of the incense went up in the presence of God and with it the prayers of the saints.” (emphasis added)

From this, we know that our requests to The Programmer for programming assistance assume a real and actual presence, ending up, as they do, right in front of Him. He finds within each prayer part of a faithful person who will be joined with Him among that holy throng around the glassy sea if he but perseveres to the end.
