Words, like birds and bugs,

Words, like birds and bugs, fly from one to another. When we send pleasant, complimentary words into the living mind of another, we have actually sent some being to live in that mind. If, on the other hand, we send viciously insulting words, we have sent a swarm of hornets, stinging and nagging.

The words we send forth live in our own minds, as well. We remember, regretfully, unkind things we have said, and are haunted by them. We imagine the effects they have had, and regret sending a part of our own anger or meanness to live in the minds of others, destroying some degree of happiness within them, leaving them with the desire to send foul words of their own to live in others’ minds.

Words are like dogs.

We sometimes use words as owners use trained dogs. Some dogs attack and destroy. Others guide the blind. Feral dogs hunt down and kill sheep while their counterparts give their lives to protect their flock from them. Others hunt down what we need to have found. Words can do all these things.

Words are like angels.

Words may be considered as life-forms produced by us human programs, similar to the angels of God. We use words as God, in whose image we are made, uses angels to accomplish His will. As God sends out armies of angels, we send words (usually too many) to others every day of our lives, usually to gain the assistance of others to help us get something done. We also send our words to let people know what we think and feel about things. When threatened, we use one kind of word. When wanting to share happiness, another.

As angels reflect the will of God, the words we use reflect the desires of our souls. When our souls are at peace with God, following His command to love Him and our neighbors, our words are messengers of peace. But, to paraphrase the words of Chesterton, “when we find our God forgotten, and seek no more a sign” the words we send forth are harbingers of doom and heralds of hopelessness.
