Bubbles and souls.

Bubbles in liquids and our souls are similar in that there’s little of the outside that’s inside. They are separate from the world around them. Bubbles and souls are delicate. All the forces of nature are conspiring against them. Gravity tries to crush them while other forces try to destroy them. The shimmering nature that surrounds bubbles in the air requires that they be continually turned away from gravity to survive.

Still, the soul goes on, a bit of “otherness” within our being and our world. Currently there are about six billion ethereal “bubbles” going around inside our neighbors’ bodies and minds, most of them rarely thinking about the most important part of them, reflecting that the ethereal bubble that lives within has been programmed in the very image of God.

When we think about how delicate a bubble is, and realize that a human soul is even more ethereal, we tend to watch out for our own and avoid bursting others’, knowing, as we do, that what goes around comes around.

One wonders if our soul could be better understood as a “piece of God on earth”. We are formed in His image, and we have programming skills. Our soul may be considered as a “mini-programmer”, bringing our mind and body together out of the collective clay around it in much the same way that The Programmer produced Adam.
