When the MosCom (new word) scourges strike

When the MosCom (new word) scourges strike

we may remember Pella. That was the town to which the Christians of Jerusalem were miraculously led when the Romans destroyed their city, and everyone in it, in 70 A.D. Today, as His twin scourges of Moslem aggression and Communist tyranny (MosCom) strike Europe, many of the faithful have been moving to the United States, just as earlier escapees did to get away from the scourge of Communist tyranny in Europe.

His MosCom scourges are beginning to fall on North America. We witness mass murders of Army personnel by Moslem aggressors and the annual murder of a million unborn babies by unabashed Communists. More death, in the form of unobtainable medical care, is looming large. Birth rates of Americans not on welfare are plummeting, another form of death. The numbers of people guiding children into life-destroying and shortening practices is rising.

So far, neither Moslems nor Communists object to the destruction the other unleashes on us. Symbolizing their unity, they have joined together to elect, at great cost, an American President who combines an affinity for both Moslems and Communists. That shouldn’t keep us from realizing that the alliance between the Communists and the Moslems is one of short-term convenience. They hate each other almost as much as they hate the Christians whom both groups wish to destroy. So, their alliance will end, sooner, rather than later.

Moslems are pro-life. While they don’t mind, and delight in, seeing the sons of Isaac destroying their children, they aren’t about to let either abortionists or those who support them live to slaughter their own children. Moslems are also violently anti-homosexual. The left holds the exact opposite opinion, and are pro-homosexual. Today, they hide the fact that Moslems hunt down and kill anyone regarded as “deviant” at every opportunity. Soon, outrage caused by the increasing murders will cause most of the homosexual community to abandon the idea that Communists hate them far more dangerously than Christians do.

Female Communists are having a much harder time believing that Moslems respect women’s rights, causing many to understand that they have a far friendlier haven in Christianity than among the Moslems. In fact, many “enlightened” feminists are already being kept from mentioning their growing concerns about enforced female circumcision, polygamy, arranged marriages with young girls and much older men, and a lack of property rights.

The left’s self-described “intellectuals” are beginning to discover that Moslems do not believe in sex, music, interesting television, newspapers, magazines, movies, plays, books, or in anything that’s “fun”. Book-burning, always popular in Moslem countries, has been accompanied by the equivalent of “author burning”. Communists like the pursuits that Moslems despise. They have embraced control of what is laughingly called “the arts” to use them as tools with which to destroy Christians and our culture. When those involved with such activities understand that their counterparts have ceased to exist in Moslem countries, leftist alliances with Christians will become more sought after.

As those in the Communist wing of God’s scourge becomes more threatened by Moslem attacks, they will suddenly discover that “Maybe, those Christians aren’t as bad as we thought.”, and a great re-alignment will be attempted. Just as Stalin turned to the Russian Orthodox Church in the dark days of WWII to get Christians to help fight the National Socialists, so Communists will soon turn to the Christians to help defend them against Moslem attacks. We are already seeing the signs.

It may be that the smartest thing we can do is to ignore any move that either Moslems or Communists make toward allying themselves with us Christians. We may consider that it may be better to let the scourges destroy themselves while we watch from the comparative safety of whatever Pella-like haven The Programmer is sure to provide His faithful and obedient, whether it’s in this world or the next.
