Stopping progress is ever the goal

Stopping progress is ever the goal

of those intellectually unable to handle new things. When government in the United States was limited, we saw railroads, telegraphs, telephones, airplanes, and radios revolutionize lives. People were allowed to invent things and put them into operation, giving us automobiles, tractors, corn-pickers, and the thousands of things that make modern life.

Today, those who are established in, and profit from, the generation of electricity, do not want to see the most effective, reliable, efficient power producers in history, nuclear reactors, put into operation. When we see plans of “new” power, mostly rehashed versions of failed ways to gather solar, tidal, and wind energies, we know that they never work as promised. Actually, they never work at all.

Nuclear power is only obvious by its absence in endless media releases about “the need for clean power”. Though no power is as clean, or as reliable, as that produced by nuclear generators, it has disappeared from most media releases about producing “clean, reliable electricity”.

In every area of endeavor, the old, failed, expensive ways are protected in order to protect the cash flows of political contributors. It is a rule of thumb that no human need will be allowed to be satisfied in the most effective way, but in whatever cumbersome fashion the givers and receivers of campaign donations desire.

Because those who receive funding for their votes never want to rock the boats that bring them their sustenance, we are doomed to grow poorer. Oddly, formerly oppressive tyrannies in China are having dozens of new nuclear reactors built, guaranteeing that their factories will outperform their counterparts in countries whose officials hesitate to disrupt the source of their own funding even as their families have much lower electric bills, thus raising their standard of living.

Thus does democracy destroy itself, claiming to be “enlightened” as it circles the drain with increasing speed.
