Idols have changed in the past two thousand years.

Idols have changed in the past two thousand years. Idols used to be little statues of Imaginary Gods. They couldn’t walk, talk, or even get out of a burning building. Over time, such idols lost credibility.

Today’s most popular idols are self-serving ideas. Our nature being what it is, they are innumerable.

One of the most powerful false deities in human history is “The Way We Think Things Should Be.”

“The Way We Think Things Should Be” is a living thought that always differs from the way things are. So, it’s a very popular, very old, idol.

Global Warmers, for instance, believe that by distorting all manner of information, and providing graphs that are cleverly designed to portray that misinformation in the most alarming terms, it can be “proven” that the world’s temperature, and projections thereof, do not square with “The Way We Think Things Should Be.”

To be sure, no one actually knows what the world’s temperature is, was, or will be. But, as long as sincere-looking people can announce that “the facts as we know them” may not fit “The Way We Think Things Should Be”, they are able to force tithes to the religions of their idol.

A few years ago, the same believers thought that global temperatures may be falling. “That’s not ‘The Way We Think Things Should Be’.”, they told all and sundry. Many taxes were levied to help “study” the problems.

Acolytes in the religion of “The Way We Think Things Should Be” spend their time “studying problems that affect us all “. (translated: “making up excuses to raise taxes”) “Defining” such problems, not surprisingly, always means that greater sacrifices from the laity are necessary.

Laity, in the religion of “The Way We Think Things Should Be” are all those benighted souls who are not authorized access to the funding possibilities that are an inevitable part of making the world comply to “The Way We Think Things Should Be”.

Only the priesthood of “The Way We Think Things Should Be” religion is allowed to manipulate the powerful forces of media and government to force tax monies to be taken from the laity and given to them”for the greater good of all”.
