Is it our parish priest who appears in Revelations 4:1?

“Then, in my vision, I saw a door open in Heaven . . .” At every Mass, it is our parish priest who opens a door in Heaven, through which, according to the First Eucharistic Prayer, “. . . your angel may take this sacrifice to your altar in heaven. Then, as we receive from this altar the sacred body and blood of your Son . .”

We cannot take full advantage of that opened door unless we are at Mass, when the door is officially opened, and the Divine Messenger allows us to be brought closer to what all sane people hope to be their eternal home.

Each of us is merely asked to be below the opened door at least once a week. Without availing ourselves of that great privilege, we lose a bit of contact with The Programmer Who lovingly programmed us at the moment of our conception, nurtured us through our life until this very day, and Who wants us to be with Him forever in Heaven.

When we think of our parish priest, we should think “Miracles!”. Out of all the billions of people in the world, he has let himself be selected to be our shepherd, and he has courageously taken the risk of all that entails. He has accepted the challenge of being judged by a higher standard, and, by another miracle, has been sent among us to guide us to everlasting light.

Our parish priest is nothing less than a gift from God, a living doorway to Him.
