Degree of insanity = distance from God

The ultimate source of sane, rational thought comes from The Programmer. As we free-will creatures distance ourselves from Him, we get crazier and crazier as lunacy leads to death.

As a rule, the sanest man with whom we Catholics will come in contact is our parish priest. Aside from the one or two percent who have gone over to the other side, priests are remarkably sane and rational. They are aware of the ravages of sin, and have the mechanisms to help us avoid that damage.

Our minds have been programmed to seek order. The greatest order is to be found in He Who programmed order and in those minds which work to follow that order. The parish priest knows that, and does what he can to keep us in line with the rational thought provided by The Programmer.

Disorder is the hallmark of the Other Side. Those who wish to destroy innocent souls do so by introducing disorder.

Abortionists are among those who destroy good order by death. Some have been so dulled and confused by sin that many of them are no longer aware that they are doing evil. Others have so perverted their innate desire for order they can only find it in systems that inflict death. Many of them insanely claim to be helping both the babies they destroy and the mothers in whom they live.

Neither mothers nor babies are helped. Thinking that killing is helpful to anyone is insanity.

Those who embrace lesser disorders, like extreme environmentalism, also result in death. The millions who died from malaria because environmentalists stopped DDT from being used are just as dead as aborted babies.

The Culture of Death is insane. They are homicidal maniacs still wrapped in the disguise of “help” while they work diligently to destroy The Church still able to keep them from the total destruction their leader seeks.
