Seven viruses in our program.

Pride is the most disruptive virus in our mind. It makes us think excessively about ourselves. When we catch ourselves thinking prideful thoughts about ourselves, it’s important to recognize it quickly and channel our thoughts toward God. That way, we starve the demonic virus of the energy the vile being needs to grow.

Envy is the second-most powerful enemy within. It makes us think about things we want, but don’t need. We deprive it of energy by changing our thoughts to generosity. “I don’t need a new car as much as a pro-life organization needs a donation.” is the kind of thinking that weakens the virus of envy.

Anger is not always easy to identify. Long-term anger builds up within us, coloring much of what we think, say, and do. Loving our neighbor neutralizes the virus of Anger.

Sloth drags us into the uselessness the Other Side loves to see. A deep breath, followed by activity, reduces its ability to make us ineffective.

Greed always tries to convince us we should have more. When we think of all we have accumulated as a result of greed, and how useless it all is, we can put greed in its place.

Gluttony is greed writ large. It will make us unattractive in every way to God and neighbor. Giving things away shrivels up the demon of Greed within our CPU.

Lust elevates the importance of that section of the brain connected to the genitals. Lust keeps many people from The Church. “I am not a bad person, I just want to be able to titillate whatever pleasure centers I want when I want, and it’s not right for The Church to say I can’t do that.”
