The Other Side is unable to see causes and effects.

The Vast Global Warming Lies are the tip of a huge iceberg. Beneath the surface, countless thousands of professional liars are busy, busy, busy. They’re beavering away to make Global Warming seem a monumental problem that can only be solved by bigger government, higher taxes, and more regulations.

It’s wonderful to watch, because we can see their lies shot down almost as soon as they’re told. We’ve been told, for instance, that increased CO2 causes Global Warming. CO2 has been rising, and temperatures have been falling.

Also falling is energy received from the sun. Record cold and snow all over the world, along with last month ranking as the second coldest January in 15 years shows that the world is actually cooling.

Those who’ve embraced lies are unable to see that earth’s temperature fluctuates along with solar output. Just as they have ignored their own rationality so badly that they’re unable to see that the sun causes Earth’s temperature to change, they cannot understand that God is the cause of Creation.

Even the Catholic Fundamentalist approach, that “The Unprogrammed Programmer programs three dimensional particles, compiles them into structures and beings, some of which have free will, and has them move through time.” can’t get through to them.

They who cannot even see the power of the sun prefer the intellectual idols of their vain minds to recognizing the power of The Programmer.
