The Climate Fraud Cycle is similar to both the Fox/Rabbit Cycle and the Sunspot Cycle.

The three peaks above represent three 11 year solar cycles.  The last cycle is the red one.  As can be seen, the cycle ended a few months ago.  The high peaks represent the maximum solar output.

The black line on the little graph on the right should be connected with the right hand end of the red line to see where we are now.  As is obvious to everyone except those in the Climate Fraud Cycle, there has been no increase of solar output since the end of Solar Cycle 23.

That means the earth is receiving less heat than it did a few years ago, when the red line on the upper graph was vastly higher than it is now.

Today, we see record cold temperatures over much of the world.  Glaciers have stopped melting, the frequently thawed arctic is refreezing, Antarctic ice is at a record high, and the northern hemisphere snow pack is larger than ever.

Back at the beginning of Solar Cycle 23, the Climate Fraud people who are now moaning about Global Warming were worried to death about Global Freezing.

The Climate Fraud Cycle is similar to the 11 year Sunspot Cycle, (more sunspots = more solar output = more heat on all planets) which vaguely tracks the famous Fox/Rabbit Cycle shown below.  Foxes multiply and eat lots of rabbits, then there’s less food, so foxes disappear, which causes resurgence of rabbits.  Then, foxes have more to eat, so they multiply again, while rabbits disappear.

The Climate Fraud Cycle starts when the Solar Cycle makes things warm, and Global Warming Liars emerge.  Then, the Solar Cycle starts to emit less energy, and the Global Freezing Liars emerge.  Since both groups are intellectually less able to respond to reality as quickly as either foxes or rabbits, their cycle, like their minds, is somewhat slower and more erratic.

