Should Waterboarding be allowed?

Should Waterboarding be allowed? Many, mostly on the left, have been complaining about waterboarding, pretending to drown people to get information out of them. Waterboarding is said to be inhumane torture.

Oddly, few of these people are against even the horrors, and inevitable deaths, caused by partial-birth abortions in their own nations. But, some politicians are in a virtual frenzy about waterboarding. Senator Reid, the Senate’s Majority Leader, is, between real estate deals , vehemently opposed.

One question comes to mind: If an intelligence agency had discovered that the suicide bombings of the World Trade Center were about to take place, and had captured someone who knew the plan’s details, and that person refused to divulge any information, should waterboarding have been used to elicit the information that would have saved several thousand lives from agonizing deaths?

Another reasonable question: In other countries, extremists have killed many simply for being Catholic, Jewish, women, professors, teachers, journalists, or homosexual. If, unknowingly, you had said or done something that caused you to be declared “an enemy of the one, true religion”, and extremists planned to use you to “set an example”, would you really mind if one of those suspected murderers were waterboarded to tell when and where you were to be attacked?

Or, would you rather that you and your family were blown to bits?
