Ten years of reality.

The Other Side has long-claimed that increasing carbon dioxide, which in the past ten years has gone all the way from 363 parts per million to 383 parts per million, is causing a “dangerous degree of Global Warming”.

Actual observations show what a gross lie that is.  Carbon dioxide levels have increased 6%.  Temperatures have gone down much more, on this scale from +.5 to -.05, a vastly larger decrease.

This scale uses satellite temperatures.  They are free from the distortions so often occurring on land-based thermometers, many of which have been placed on asphalt, airport runways, and sewage treatment plants.  Their placement seems designed (wattsupwiththat.com) to artificially increase surface temperatures in order to “prove” the claims of Global Warming.

Lies so blatantly obvious should motivate us to pray for those involved.  Their poor souls have embraced what Dante described as “complex frauds”.  If they die in that state, they are eternally consigned to the 8th Circle of Hades, part of which is reserved for those who willingly cheat taxpayers with “complex frauds”.
