
Recently tests results were announced. Researchers had given Prozac to a test group. Another group was given a placebo.

Both groups reported nearly identical states of well-being. The conclusion was obvious, Prozac is a waste of money. They makers of Prozac, and Prozac type drugs, did not want to lose the cash flows they had generated by combining a few cents worth of useless chemicals with marketing campaigns that had made them billions of dollars.

For the past couple of days, press releases have magically appeared. They tell us “Despite the results of a test that shows Prozac to be worthless, doctors and patients should not reduce the intake of Prozac.” These releases appeared in thousands of newspapers at the very same time.

Some may conclude that the Ass’d. Press is working for large marketing firms. The more perceptive may figure out that the Ass’d Press is a large marketing firm. Regardless, it is not easy to avoid believing that the Ass’d. Press cares more about money than about people’s well-being..

We can learn about the credibility of all “news items” from this particularly obvious example.
