Sunshine is still dimming, temperatures are still dropping.

Solar energy arriving on earth is still not increasing the way it usually does at the beginning of a solar cycle. This means that continued low temperatures will be with us for the foreseeable future. It’s interesting that none of the professional Global Warmers will let themselves see the direct, often immediate, connection between solar output and planetary temperatures.

Mark Twain summed up this phenomenon: “It’s hard to get a man to see the truth about something if his job depends on not seeing it.”

As the fraud of Global Warming becomes obvious, few will lose their jobs. Millions, however, will lose credibility with their friends. “Algea is one of those stupid people who believed in Global Warming. She’s a brain-dead media pawn. All the time crying ‘Wolf!'”.

Those responsible for the fraud will lose neither salary nor reputation. To leftists, being wrong is a badge of honor. “Even if we are wrong, we believe that we are making the world a better place.”

A proven, established leftist always has an eager audience, especially if he or she is repeatedly proven to have never been right about anything. Leftism is the only human process that allows even the most incompetent nincompoops to always feel good about themselves. Therefore, it is always with us.

Jesus summed it up better than Mark Twain: “If you were blind, you could not be guilty of sin, but you say you see.”
